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Holiday Cup Design

1. How do you believe your design relates to the corporate Identity of your company?

My cup relates to the corporate identity of the company Starbucks because there is a simple-ness, yet there is also an intricacy, which I believe reflects what Starbucks tries to portray. Starbucks is a main stream company that tries to relate to many people at once, so they cannot do too much all at once, which is what I think that I tried to do.

2. How does your cup portray the “holiday”?

My cup represent the feeling of the winter season more than a feel of the literal “holiday.” The snowflakes give it that winter look representing the winter by snow fall.

3. Do you think that the company you designed for would really use your cup? Why or why not?

Yes, I think Starbucks would use my cup because there is a simple-ness that reflects Starbucks as a whole. Starbucks is not known for its extravagance, but more for its main stream influence and originality.

4. What makes your Cup Unique and Different?

My cup is unique and different because there is no set pattern. In other words, the placement of each snowflake does not follow a specific pattern, but somehow still feels as though there is a laid out pattern. My cup is also different because it is very simple with only two different snowflakes, yet it feels a bit intricate.

5.Describe the process in which you took to create the cup? (From beginning to end)

The process to create this cup was very long a tedious. At the beginning of it all, I had an intricate plane, but as time went on I realized that I couldn’t execute the cup to my liking. I wanted to give it a one stroke feel, by using wispy lines, but the lines were too much for the cup. I then wanted to include variations of trees to make a sort of forest, but the trees never came out the way I wanted and I felt like they were not connecting with my vision for the cup. In the end, I decided to go for a simpler design because it was easier to execute and because it connected more to my original vision (and because I was short on time).

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